Daily, 7 AM (EST)
Start your day with connection and oneness. Join us every morning virtually for a time of community prayer. Meeting ID: 246 612 2947 Password: 914890 ; OR CALL 929-436-2866, Same ID and password.
Sundays, 9 AM (EST)
Join Bishop Jack, ministers, and prayer practitioners from around the country for a time of prayer. Dial: 605-313-5874, Access code: 622107
Mon-Fri, 12 PM (EST)
Take a break from your day and commune with our online community in prayer. Dial: 978-990-5000, Access code: 397123
Daily, 8:30 PM (EST)
End your day with us in our group prayer evening session. Meeting ID: 840 4610 3429, Password: 017724 ; OR CALL 929-436-2866; Same ID and Password